HEDGE, E11even2 Galleries Open New Shows at 78th Street Studios Third Friday

Fri 1/18 @ 5-9PM

January is a great month to head over to 78th Street Studios for Third Friday because there’s so much to see and do on its four floors without setting foot outside.

HEDGE Gallery will be holding an opening for Meghann Hennen’s Circular Integrity. The painter, who is also a performance artist with a background in dance and figure skating, has a new body of work, including paintings, drawings and collage pieces, that looks at the human body as an art-making tool. Her abstract work is based on the movements of the body in various activities, especially the movements of dancers.

She’ll be encouraging visitors at the opening to have an interactive experience with her work. She’ll also be doing a live performance piece at 7:30pm. The show will be on view through Fri 2/15.


E11even 2 Gallery presents yet another show by its industrious co-owner photographer Christina Sadwoski. While her last solo show was geographically and temporally limited to the Cuyahoga River at dawn, in her new Wanderlust, Sadowski shows off images of the places she visited in 2018. In includes more than 20 photos taken in places such as France, the Czech Republican, Switzerland, Germany, Oregon and Kentucky.

“2018 has taken me on quite an adventure, mentally, physically, and emotionally,” says Sadowski. “ I anticipate my photos offer some insight to my  past excursions, and perpetuate guests to take their own adventures and voyages. That show will also be on view through Fri 2/15.



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